Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wanted is a stand alone book collection of the shoujo (girls’ comics) pirate manga by Matsuri Hino (the creator of Vampire Knight). It focuses on Armeria, a young woman who boards a pirate ship disguised as a boy named “Arto.”

When she was a child, Armeria (named after a flower) saw her first love, Luce Lanceman, kidnapped by a group known as the Pirate Skulls. Eight years later, she’s aboard their ship, but Captain Skulls, a violent, arrogant, womanizer, has discovered Arto’s secret. How will Armeria fare in the hands of the skirt chasing pirate captain, and how is he connected to the lost Luce?

THE LOWDOWN: I love pirate movies. Favorites include the Renny Harlin/Geena Davis bomb, Cutthroat Island (1995), the underrated Nate & Hayes (with Tommy Lee Jones), and Pirates of the Caribbean (except Dead Man’s Chest). I even like films that aren’t pirate movies, but prominently feature them – Walt Disney’s Peter Pan and the recent Stardust, are two examples. Set in the Mediterranean Sea at the end of the 17th century, Wanted is as much a romantic adventure as it is a romance novel or historical fiction.

Two things sell Wanted. The first is the narrative’s non-stop action, full of sea battles, exotic and dangerous locales, and slapstick comedy. This fast pace doesn’t allow for much characterization, but all the three stories that make up Wanted need is for Captain Skulls to be a dashing rogue and for Armeria to be a spunky and determined heroine. The second element that sells Wanted is the art by Matsuri Hino (and possibly her assistants). The art is not only gorgeous and gorgeously textured (like Arina Tanemura’s art), but also well presented in terms of narrative and style. The staging and placing of the characters, objects, and sets in each panel are topnotch; even the angles and presentations are meant to create maximum drama and emotion.

Matsuri Hino

Matsuri Hino ist eine japanische Manga-Zeichnerin, die in Hokkaido, Japan geboren wurde.
Ihre Werke richten sich hauptsächlich an jugendliche Mädchen, da Sie für ihre romantischen, humorvollen Fantasy-Mangas bekannt ist.
Bevor Sie mit ihrer ersten, 16-seitigen, Kurzgeschichte im Manga-Magazin ’’LaLa’’ auf sich aufmerksam machte, hatte Sie in einem Buchladen gearbeitet.
Nur 9 Monate vor ihrem Debüt als professionelle Zeichnerin hatte Sie sich dazu entschieden, diesen Berufsweg einzuschlagen.
Für Ihr Erstlingswerk gewann Sie einen Preis zur Förderung talentierter Nachwuchsmangaka.
Es folgte ein weiteres, 40-seitiges, Werk im Magazin ’’LaLa DX’’, für das Sie eine weitere Auszeichnung bekam:
Einen Preis für herausragende Erstveröffentlichungen japanischer Comiczeichner.
In den folgenden Jahren zeichnete Sie weitere Kurzgeschichten für die genannten Magazine, ehe Sie im Februar 1999 ihre erste, große Serie begann: ’’Toraware no Mi no Ue’’.
Der Manga über ein Mädchen, dessen Familie wegen eines Diebstahls von einem Vorfahren verflucht ist, endete 2002 nach über 850 Seiten.
Bereits kurze Zeit später erschien das erste Kapitel ihres nächsten Mangas: ’’Merupuri - Der Märchenprinz’’ im ’’LaLa’’.
Dieser erzählt in über 700 Seiten von einem Mädchen, das sich nach einem Märchenprinzen sehnt und unter anderem ins Französische, Englische und Deutsche übersetzt wurde.
Seit November 2004 arbeitet Matsuri Hino für ’’LaLa’’ an ’’Vampire Knight’’, das an einer Schule spielt, an der tagsüber normaler Unterricht stattfindet, nachts allerdings Vampire unterrichtet werden.
Der Manga ist ihr bislang größter Erfolg, da er sogar als Anime-Fernsehserie umgesetzt wird (Anime = japanischer Zeichentrick).
Bisher verkaufte er sich über zwei Millionen Mal und wird in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt.

Matsuri Hino (樋野まつり Hino Matsuri?) is a Japanese mangaka. She is a native of Sapporo, Hokkaidō.


A former bookstore shopkeeper, Matsuri Hino's first published title, Kono Yume ga Sametara ("When This Dream Is Over") appeared in LaLa DX magazine in 1995. Hino became a manga artist a mere nine months after she decided to become one. With the success of her series Toraware no Minoue ("Captive Circumstance") and MeruPuri, Hino has established herself in the world of shōjo manga. Her new title, Vampire Knight, currently runs in the monthly LaLa magazine. Hino enjoys creative activities, and has commented that she would have been either an architect or an apprentice to traditional Japanese craft masters if she had not become a manga artist.

Yuki Cross/Yuki Kuran (黒主 優姫 Kurosu Yūki/ Kuran Yūki 玖蘭 優姫?) is the adoptive daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, Kaien Cross and a school guardian. Ten years prior to the start of the series, Yuki was rescued from a vampire attack by another vampire a pureblood, Kaname Kuran. She lost all memory of her life from before the attack, and was adopted by Headmaster Cross. After Zero's vampire nature is revealed, she begins giving him her blood to drink, hoping to halt the degradation of his human nature. However, Yuki loves Kaname, who has always been protecting her and has been by her side during her childhood as a vampire. Yuki's powers are unknown. When Rido Kuran and his Clan of followers resurfaces at Cross Academy, Yuuki's memories were unlocked after she was re-awakened, revealing that she was actually a pureblood vampire, both Kaname's sister and his fiancee.[2] The revelation of her pureblood status caused a deep rift between Zero and Yuki. Yuki now plays the role of a pureblood princess and has approached other purebloods offering her services to any suicidal purebloods.

Zero Kiryuu (錐生 零 Kiryū Zero?), who is one year older than Yuuki Cross,[3] came from a vampire hunter family. Four years prior to the story start, his parents and brother were killed by the pureblood vampire Shizuka Hio after they followed orders to assassinate her lover, a former human that had not yet fallen to level E. The orphaned Zero was taken in by the Kaien Cross and became a school guardian, alongside Yuki.[4] He has a hatred for vampires because of what happened to his parents, but it is later revealed that he himself is a vampire as a result of Shizuka's attack.[5] It is also later revealed that his twin brother, Ichiru, also survived the attack and willingly lived at Shizuka's side. After he consumes Shizuka, Kaname lets Zero drink some of his blood to keep Zero from losing control of himself in order to protect Yuki. It is revealed at the end of the manga, after Yuki is transformed into a vampire, that Zero did in fact love her. Zero and Yuki now stand on opposing sides and Zero is now set-up to be the future president of the Vampire Hunters.
Kaname Kuran (玖蘭 枢 Kuran Kaname?), a Pureblood vampire and the current Head of the Kuran Clan, saved Yuuki from an attack by another vampire when she was five years old. He was the class president of the Night Class as well as the dorm leader, much feared and respected by the other Night Class students. While he is cold and authoritative towards his fellows in the Night Class, he is always kind and sweet to Yuuki. He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuuki and is in love with her, having been attached to her since she was born. He allowed Zero to live because he knew his death would sadden Yuuki as well and because Zero was useful, both to Yuki and himself. He was both jealous and angry of Zero for biting Yuuki and endangering her life. Yuki believed Kaname was her brother and at a young age they had pledged to marry each other, just like their parents, who were also siblings. Kaname revealed to Ichijo that he was actually the ancestor of Kuran and was resurrected by Rido Kuran to be his strongest slave, therefore making Rido his "master". Juri and Haruka Kuran raised Kaname as Yuuki's brother, in place of the son that Rido took and used as a sacrifice to revive Kaname. Kaname has now become the leader of Vampire Society and pursuing peace between humans and vampires.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kaichou wa Maid-sama

this is a really great anime...........=)
please watch you'll definitely like it....=)♥♥♥

Seika High School, once an all-boys school notorious for its wild students and for generally being a terrifying place for girls, has recently become a co-ed school. With the female population still a minority and living in fear of the over-the-top antics of the males, Misaki Ayuzawa takes it into her own hands to reform the school and allow the girls to feel safe in the rough environment.

Training, studying and even becoming the first female student council president of the school, Misaki has gained a reputation among the male students body as an uptight boy-hating dictator and as a shining hope for the teachers and fellow female students. However, despite her tough-as-nails appearance, she secretly works part-time at a maid cafe in order to support her family. Unfortunately, her hard-earned reputation is threatened when the popular and somewhat impassive Usui Takumi takes an interest in her after discovering her in a maid uniform after school.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

new comer

welcome to the world of blog!!!!!!